Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Willa

Nothing is cuter than a one year old on a Rocking Moose going "weeeee weeee weeeee" in a squeaky baby voice.
Sylvia was such a proud big sister at Willa's birthday party. She took so much ownership of the event. She helped decorate the house, make the cake and open presents. She even attempted to serve the Red Devil cake laced with beets. I think after two pieces fell on the floor, I had to step in and take over.

As it should be, cake and frosting smeared all over baby's face. Willa has been a good eater since day one, and the cake proved no exception.
Thank you to everyone that has helped me to get through this first year. I really didn't know how we would make it, but we did. It takes a whole lot of love and support to raise children. I am grateful for the friendship, financial support, and babysitting that has been offered up to us this year.
Willa is finally sleeping through the night(well, most of the time) and depending on me less and less to provide her nourishment in the form of milk. I feel like I'm getting my personal life back a little bit and can see myself in roles other than that of Mom. Recently, I've made time to go on dates with John, hang out with girlfriends, started a sewing project, started this blog, and looked into the next steps of my career. I love being a Mom, but having things that feed my soul outside of my children really helps energize me. The more I do some things for my self the more devoted I feel toward my children and domestic life.
The more we love, the more energy we have to love some more.

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